TRIMAT builds, according to the project and / or in accordance with the indications provided by the customer, idle, motorized roller conveyors and conveyor belts. Each manufacturing plant needs to move objects, to load or unload an automatic machine, to perform the functions of enslavement and evacuation without the obligation of the presence of man, both to obviate the alienating repetitiveness of the operations, and to alleviate the fatigue of the operator, both to guarantee continuity to the production process which, in the absence of interruptions physiologically linked to the human being, becomes more profitable. The conveyor, the idle roller conveyor, the motorized roller conveyor, the interlocking conveyor, the evacuator belt often have low cost and high functionality, a high cost benefit ratio. We meet a conveyor belt every day: at the airport, at the supermarket, in the gym: the conveyor belts and roller conveyors are simple machines that streamline the logistics of the factory, they are the natural completion of an automatic machine, they allow man to concentrate on the realization of the piece and on the management of the equipment instead of making it porter of the plant. TRIMAT builds customized conveyor belts, with ad-hoc dimensions, with belt, roller shutter chain or roller, offering its experience to optimize the customer's needs; suggests solutions to contain costs and to ensure the functionality of the plants. TRIMAT provides assistance in the design phase, or takes on the complete burden of designing the roller conveyor instead of the conveyor belt, provides the structural material and the essential accessories for the completion of the project, takes care of building the roller conveyor, idle or motorized, rather than the conveyor belt with chain, or roller shutter, or ring belt; provides the customer with the equipment ready for installation. Not of second importance: the conveyor belts and roller conveyors made with aluminum structural profiles do not require any maintenance other than that linked to the moving parts and can be modified at modest costs, they are the ideal solution for transport lines for which expansion is expected.