+39 039 5312426 export@trimatsrl.it Italiano French


J1900 FOOT PF Ø125 M16 H125+3
J1950 FOOT PF Ø125 M16 H165+3
J2000 FOOT PF Ø125 M16 H225+3
J2100 FOOT PF Ø125 M20 H205+3
J2200 FOOT PF Ø125 M20 H265+3
black PA shell
galvanized steel stem
non-slip synthetic rubber disk
max static load 28000 N
holes with diaphragm for fixing
A2 stainless steel stem in pack of 4 pcs on demand


carrello multipiano min
messa a terra banco antistatico min
nastro cambio pendenza 03 min
prospettiva nastro trasportatore cardanico min
tappeto modulare 7m min
Why ....

.... use aluminum structural profiles ?
Because they are resistant, unalterable over time, lighter than iron and steel, easily workable and aesthetically valuable; basically because they are Columbus' egg of mechanical structural design.

.... choose the TRIMAT supplier ?
Because, to paraphrase a well-known advertising campaign, IT IS NOT the first on the list and, therefore, it makes daily efforts to grow; because his staff boasts over twenty years of experience, superior to the life of the company itself, has taken advantage of the mistakes of others and constantly makes product improvements.

.... protect an automatic machine or fence off a work island ?
Because, in addition to the law, common sense requires it, and not only for the protection of operators: for a company, an accident at work is the worst event that can happen!
Because it is often easier to keep at a distance, preventing access to unauthorized people, rather than predicting reckless behavior, a harbinger of danger or risk, for oneself and for others.

.... design an automatic machine or a conveyor with the frame in aluminum profiles ?
Because designing is difficult, predicting every detail even more and the modular system allows space for changes in progress.
Because they have the slots that we can exploit to support the accessories and the drive and control parts that are essential for integration with existing machines and systems.

.... to equip a laboratory with a bench made with aluminum profiles ?
Because imagining what the future needs will be is not easy and the Aluminum profiles, thanks to the slots -or grooves- allow to customize the workstations over time.

.... buy a conveyor belt or a motorized roller conveyor ?
Because they are tireless, they relieve operators from alienating operations, because they free up time to be allocated to more profitable activities; because they are the natural complement to automatic machines and systems, because they carry out all handling activities without complaining about the repetitiveness of the operations!

Do you have to ....

.... transport or channel boxes or products, enslave or evacuate the scraps from an automatic machine ?
Spend a few minutes and turn your attention to the products area dedicated to structural profiles and to the project area dedicated to conveyor belts , roller conveyors and gravity channels.

​Both in this case, and for other needs, in the PDF catalogs, which can be downloaded online from the page with a dedicated menu, you will find all the information relating -for example- to the aluminum structural profiles category, to the  feet wheels section and to the feet ø125 products, complete with the technical data sheets of each single item while, in this web space, the information necessary to identify the "right" product, the appropriate code or the "resolutive" object.

Catalogs and philosophy

The articles, grouped within the TRIMAT catalogs in sections  feet wheels and feet ø125, are families of extruded profiles, of components and structures, all forming the backbone -or a natural complement- of the supplies that the company offers to customers.
TRIMAT builds and supplies on own project following surveys, by drawing, following request for preparation or customization, in accordance with its standards or according to specific needs of the customers.

​In the construction of the orders TRIMAT employs, for company philosophy and certainly not by obligation, the same codes proposed in the catalog: feet ø125 and feet wheels are examples.
This choice has led the company to be very selective and to always have an eye on functionality, goodness of solutions and simplicity of assembly, aspects that always translate into economic savings.

TRIMAT supplies....

....only standard packaging or also loose pieces ?
In both supply conditions and, in some cases, with regard to the cut to size of the profiles, he does not ask for the withdrawal of the scraps because he has the opportunity to use them in its own production to order.

....only profiles and accessories or also finished products ?
Both: sells profiles and components, builds both to design, or to your own project following reliefs and customer indications.

....only standard products or also with customizations ?
The company's sales policy allows you to manage both catalog codes, considered standard, which productions according to customer design.


TRIMAT has always implemented a stock management system which allows it to guarantee product delivery times feet ø125 and feet wheels, taken as an example, consistent with the needs of an increasingly fast and demanding market.

​The stock availability, a fundamental and often critical aspect, is a customer service that TRIMAT is able to guarantee almost always, thanks to the purchase planning based on mathematical model of variance analysis.

At your disposal !

Souhaitez-vous un interlocuteur personnel qui puisse vous conseiller dans le choix de aluminum structural profiles?
La section feet wheels ou le produit feet ø125 vous intéresse?

Souhaitez-vous demander un devis pour un produit de la catégorie aluminum structural profiles?
Envoyez-nous une demande par e-mail ou contactez votre contact personnel d'entreprise : nous ferons tout notre possible pour vous envoyer le quantum dans les plus brefs délais.

Avez-vous décidé d'acheter des produits tels que feet wheels ou feet ø125?
Envoyez-nous une communication formelle par e-mail ou contactez le commercial qui vous est dédié : nous vous enverrons une confirmation officielle en quelques heures.

Sur la page CONTACTS, vous trouverez toutes les références nécessaires; n'hésitez pas à nous écrire, vous recevrez toutes les informations utiles par voie électronique.
Vous préférez nous rencontrer?
TRIMAT réside à Viganò, dans la province de LECCO, et est proche et bien relié aux principaux axes routiers.